Rava Coconut Ladoos

Rava Coconut Ladoos
Delicious easy to make rava coconut Ladoos using condensed milk.
A very simple and easy to make Ladoo made with minimal ingredients. These Ladoos are popularly made during most of the festivals across India. These Ladoos are truly divine and heavenly delicious and just melt in your mouth.


  1. Rava – 2 cups
  2. Shredded coconut-1 cup
  3. Sugar -1 cup
  4. Cardamom pods – 3 or more according to your taste
  5. Milk -1/2 cup
  6. Condensed milk -3 tbsp
  7. Ghee 1/4 cup
  8. Nuts and raisins -1/2 cup
  9. Pinch of salt


Powder the sugar and cardamom pods together and set aside.

Mix 3 tbsp of condensed milk in half cup warm milk, mix well and set aside.

Heat a pan. Add 2 tbsp ghee . Roast the nuts and raisins untill it turns it’s colour. Remove it from pan and set aside. In the same pan add the remaining ghee. Add rava and roast until half done. Add the shredded coconut. (Pulse it few times in a mixer jar before adding it in pan). Roast the rava coconut mixture until nice aroma comes.

Add a pinch of salt and mix well. Add fried nuts and raisins and mix again. Simer the gas to low flame and add powdered sugar and cardamom and mix well untill well combined .

Add condensed milk and milk mixture little by little and stir well. Stir for about 2-3 minutes in low flame. Switch off the gas and let it cool down a bit.

When it is still warm take a ball sized mixture and roll it to a smooth ladoo.. Delicious smooth melt in your mouth rava coconut ladoo is ready to serve. Keep it refrigerated .

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